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What is it

Anything where Simber writes to is considered a stream. Simber allows users to add multiple streams to the logger. By default one stream is used when the logger is initiated. This is the <stdout> stream, that is, it will write to your console.

Streams are basically a set of OutputStream classes that are shared by all the instances running. This means, if a package is creating a Logger instance in various modules, it will still share the same streams as all the others.

This functionality gives full access to the user, as to where the logs should be written.


A Stream is defined by an OutputStream class. This class takes a few arguments while initializing.


Following are the paramaters of the OutputStream class

Name Description Default Value
stream The stream itself. Should be of type TextIOWrapper. No default value, required param
level The minimum level that the stream will log in INFO
format The format of the output string Default file format is considered
disabled If the stream is disabled from writing. If this is True, it will not write anything, until it is changed to False False
time_format Time format to be passed to the formatter for the time value. %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S


Following are the attributes of the OutputStream class

  • level: The minimum level that the stream will log in. Can be get and set by the level attribute.
  • format: The format that the stream will output in. Can be get and set by the format attribute.
  • disabled: If the stream is disabled or not. Can be get and set by the disabled attribute.
  • stream_name: Name of the stream as returned by the TextIOWrapper stream. This is a readonly attribute.


The OutputStream class has only one public method, i:e write(). This method allows the user to write to the stream. This need not be called manually, it will be handled by the logger.

Source of the write() method can be checked in the stream module.

Default Stream

Simber adds a default stream to the stream set when a new instance is initialized.

NOTE: Since the streams are shared among all the instances, so only unique streams are contained in the stream set. This means, even if the Logger class is initialized multiple times, it will have just one stdout stream.

This default stream is stdout and is of type TextIOWrapper.

This is extracted using the sys module.

Additionally, the logger will also initialize a file stream and add it to the stream set if the log_path param is passed and valid.

NOTE: The file stream will be initialized even if disable_file is passed as True but it will be disabled while init. It can be enabled back by using the logger update methods.

Adding custom streams

Simber allows you to add as many unique streams as you want and with call to any of the instances running, all the streams will write if they are not explicitly disabled.

In order to add a stream to the logger instance, the add_stream method can be used.

This method takes an OutputStream object. If any other type is passed, it will raise an InvalidOutputStream exception.

The following code creates a new stream that writes to the file nana.log in the current directory.

# Open the file stream
file_stream = open("nana.log", "a")  # Open in append mode

from import OutputStream

# Create an Output Stream instance
stream = OutputStream(file_stream)

Once the OutputStream instance is ready, we can add it to the list of streams.

from simber import Logger

# Create a logger instance
logger = Logger("main")

# Add the stream to the logger instance
logger.add_stream(stream)"Just a test info log")  # This will log to console and `nana.log`

Now you can check the file nana.log and see that the test log was appended to it.

NOTE: While creating custom file streams, make sure that the file exists before writing, else you won't be able to open it with open().

Disabling writing to files

Disable all file streams using Logger

Simber allows the user to disable writing to all the file streams present in the set of streams. The file streams are filtered out by using the stream_name attribute of the TextIOWrapper class.

Writing to files can be disabled in the following way throught the logger.

from simber import Logger

logger = Logger("main")

# Disable writing to files
logger.update_disable_file(True)"Test message that will log to only non file streams")

Above is usefule in case the app is being debugged and you don't want to fill up your log files with the same content over and over again.

Disable while creating the OutputStream

The stream can also be disable while creating it.

As mentioned above, the OutputStream class accepts a disabled parameter.

So the stream can be disabled while the instance is created

from import OutputStream
from simber import Logger

stream = OutputStream(open("nana.log", "a"), disabled=True)

# Add the stream to logger and try to write
logger = Logger("main")
logger.add_stream(stream)"Test log")  # Will not be written to the `nana.log` file

It can also be enabled/disabled further by directly updating the attribute

print("Stream disabled: {}".format(stream.disabled))

# Enable the stream
stream.disabled = False